Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dost Thou Speaketh Shakespeare?

(Source: photo by pimousse3000 from
"But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?"

Pretty much everyone has heard this famous quote from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, but few people realize how prolific his phrases have become. During his illustrious career he used a staggering 17,677 words in his numerous works, and invented 1,700 of them. He also used his flair for words to coin numerous phrases that have insinuated themselves into our everyday speech. Some of his more famous quotes are so commonly thrown around that most people can instantly attribute them to the master. Some of them include the one above as well as these:

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Free EBook Find- Jan. 28

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Compiled by Maria Vowell

5 Reasons Real Books Beat Out Digital

Alright, I'll admit it, I am way super biased on this particular subject. I am one of those people who avoid reading digitally at almost all costs (yes I even have been known to just print out articles I want to read rather than viewing them online). For me, I think it all comes down to the feel of holding something in your hand and being able to process what your reading without any of the myriad of distractions you face while reading on the web.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Free EBook Find- Jan. 26

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LibraryThing is an online community which allows book-lovers to catalog their libraries digitally. With millions of books to choose from, you can easily record every book you've ever read as well as keep track of those you plan on reading in the future.